Zurück zum Profil von Dr. Martin Imhof

Vorträge von Dr. Martin Imhof


Responsible Investments – Bedeutung von ESG-Faktoren für PE Transaktionen
M&A DACH Konferenz, 15. November 2023, München
Setting-up a Business in Germany – The Legal Environment
GINSEP – Explore Germany, Softlanding Programme for Indian Startups, 15. Juni 2023
Going International – Roundtable Discussions on Doing Business in Europe
Mumbai, 26. April 2023; Bangalore, 27. April 2023


Garantien und Schaden – Zusammenhänge und Pitfalls im Haftungsregime
M&A Kongress 2022, Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen & Unternehmensjuristen, 7. November 2022, Düsseldorf
Indian Investments into Germany – The Legal Framework”
Startup-Woche Düsseldorf - GINSEP Startup Delegation Tour – Explore Germany, 20. Juni 2022, Düsseldorf


Setting up a Business in Germany Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The Legal Framework
Tech4Goods Startups, German Indian Startup Exchange Program (GINSEP), Explore Germany: A digital journey to Germany for Indian Startups & Investors, 30. November 2021
Setting up a Business in Germany Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The Legal Framework
Healthcare & COVID-related Startups, German Indian Startup Exchange Program (GINSEP), Explore Germany: A digital journey to Germany for Indian Startups & Investors, 9. November 2021
Setting up a Business in Germany Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The Legal Framework
Tech4Goods Startups, German Indian Startup Exchange Program (GINSEP), Explore Germany: A digital journey to Germany for Indian Startups & Investors, 1. Juni 2021


Setting up a Business in Germany Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The Legal Framework
Tech4Goods Startups, German Indian Startup Exchange Program (GINSEP), Explore Germany: A digital journey to Germany for Indian Startups & Investors, 30. Oktober 2020
Setting up a Business in Germany Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The Legal Framework
German Indian Startup Exchange Program (GINSEP), Explore Germany: A digital journey to Germany for Indian Start-Ups & Investors, Düsseldorf, 29. October 2020


Business Opportunities in the Industrial Heartland of Germany – What is in for Indian Companies in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia?
Indo-German Business Meeting – NRW.Invest, 2 August 2019, Chennai
Business Opportunities in the Industrial Heartland of Germany – What is in for Indian Companies in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia?
Indo-German Business Meeting – NRW.Invest, 31 July 2019, Bengaluru  
Market Idiosyncrasies - How to Raise Money from International Perspectives
AIJA Half Year Conference, 23. Mai 2019, Hong Kong
Governance and M&A challenges for family and other closely held businesses - Impact of the changing international landscape for doing Business on the M&A process?
5th IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference, 20. Mai 2019, Kopenhagen
Foreign Investment Control – Impact on M&A
15. Mai 2019, Wien


2. Düsseldorfer M&A Roundtable "Erfolgsfaktoren für M&A im Mittelstand"
21. November 2018, Düsseldorf, Dr. Martin Imhof und Dr. Michael Sörgel
Being an international lawyer – Competences, qualities and practical experience
What do you need to be an 'international lawyer'?, AIJA Seminar, 28. August 2018, Brüssel
Personal branding of legal professionals – create your own business case
Moderator, AIJA Half-Year Conference, Happy ever after! In-house counsels and lawfirms perspective on how to successfully develop client-attorney relationship, 23.-26. Mai 2018, Warschau
4th IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference: Disruption meets Tradition
Mitglied des Executive Committee, Session Co-Chair, „The Digital Age in the Business of Law”, 14.-15. Mai 2018, München  
Düsseldorfer M&A Roundtable
Unternehmenskauf 4.0: Daten, Datenschutz und Cybersecurity – Neue Herausforderungen für Käufer und Verkäufer im M&A Prozess, 21. März 2018, Düsseldorf von Dr. Martin Imhof und Dr. Michael Sörgel


AIJA Half-Year Conference
17. – 20. Mai 2017 Riga, Mitglied des Organisationskomitees 
Starter Kit for Start-Ups – The suitable legal setting for your business idea: basic considerations, key drivers and corporate structure
AIJA Seminar The Start Up World, 17. – 20. Mai 2017, Riga
Scaling up – Growing the business and preparing for an exit. From start-up to scale-up
3rd Silicon Beach Conference, International Bar Association, 1. – 3. Februar 2017, Los Angeles, Santa Monica


Corporate Compliance und Organhaftung in der GmbH
Veranstaltungsreihe "Successful Business in Germany”,DCW, China-Kompetenzzentrum Düsseldorf, NRW.Invest, IHK Düsseldorf, 19. Oktober 2016,
gemeinsam mit Sen Gao
Die Wahl der passenden Rechtsform bei der Unternehmensgründung in Deutschland
DCW Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V., 12. September 2016, Essen,
gemeinsam mit Sen Gao
54th International Young Lawyers' Congress
23. - 27. August 2016, München - Mitglied des Organisationskomitees
Rechtliche Strukturierung deutscher Investitionen in Indien – Überblick und Fallstricke
Business Workshop Indien, 10. Mai 2016, Düsseldorf
Vendor Finance: Earn Outs, Vendor Loans, Equity Rollovers
It’s all about money – making and securing payments in M&A transactions, AIJA, 22. April 2016, Budapest


Investitions- und Finanzierungsstrategien zur Unternehmensgründung
Seminar des DCW Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V., 9. Dezember 2015, Aachen ,
gemeinsam mit Sen Gao
M&A in the fast lane: Competitive Deals
AIJA Seminar: Mainport to M&A – Jump on board of Fast Track M&A, 24. April 2015, Rotterdam
Setting up Companies in Europe
Doing Business with the West, 27. März 2015, Shanghai
The End of Outsourcing as We Know It
ITechLaw Asia Pacific Conference, 29. Januar 2015, Bangalore, Indien
Getting started in Germany - Commercial, Cultural and Legal Challenges
27. Januar 2015, Bangalore, Indien


Offshore M&A in China
WSG Asia Pacific Meeting,  4. April 2014, Shanghai


Shareholders, Investors, Managers: Get your Piece of the Cake
Luxembourg, 21. November 2013
Prozessführung bei der GmbH: Typische Streitfälle - Prozesstaktiken - Prozessprävention
Beck Akademie Seminar, 10. Oktober 2013 in Düsseldorf
Latin America In Global M&A Transactions - A Mouse That Roars?
General Reporter M&A Commission, AIJA Annual Congress, 18. September 2013, Buenos Aires
Doing Business in India
Internationale Joint Ventures – Dos and Don’ts, 4. Juli 2013 in Düsseldorf und 5. Juli 2013 in Frankfurt
Joint Venture Streitigkeiten
Dispute Resolution Forum Düsseldorf und Köln, 11.03.2013, Düsseldorf


Development – Acquisition – Sale: M&A specifics of an Energy Project
AIJA Half Year Conference, 3.-5. Mai 2012, Hamburg


The Negotiation Strategy
AIJA Seminar: Behind the Scenes of a M&A Deal - The Secrets of a Successful Transaction, 21./22. Oktober 2011, Paris
Geschäftsführerhaftung: 10 Gebote für Geschäftsführer zur Haftungsvermeidung
3. GmbH-Geschäftsführer-Tag des Wirtschaftsmagazins gmbhchef, 28.06.2011, Düsseldorf


A road map to public M&A / Contrasts with private M&A
AIJA Seminar: Public M&A, 18.11.2010, Madrid
Haftung der Konzernobergesellschaft für Tochtergesellschaften
Seminar zu aktuellen Fragen des Konzernrechts, Deutsches Aktieninstitut, 15.06.2010, Frankfurt
Cross-Border Mergers in the EU: How to Avoid Pitfalls
AIJA Seminar Cross-Border Mergers: A Road Map for a Successful International Merger, 10.-12.06.2010, Brüssel


Die GmbH nach dem MoMiG - Auswirkungen auf M&A und Restrukturierung
04.11.2008, Düsseldorf


GmbH-Gründung und Gesellschafterwechsel nach dem MoMiG
27.11.2007, Düsseldorf

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