Salaried Partner

Andreas Schmitt

German, English
Consulting focuses
  • Insurance Law
  • Insurance Distribution Law
  • Professional Liability Law
  • Product Liability Law
  • Litigation
  • Liability Law
  • Transport Law
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  • Admitted since 2014
  • Education and former activities
  • KLS Rechtsanwälte, Cologne, Lawyer 2014-2017
  • Higher Regional Court Cologne, Legal Trainee 2012-2014
  • Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH2011-2013
  • University Cologne 2004-2011

Qualifications/current topics

Mr. Schmitt focuses on forensic and advisory work in insurance and liability law and has many years of experience in all areas of liability insurance law, in particular on pecuniary loss liability insurance. Based on this expertise, Mr. Schmitt regularly acts on behalf of insurers in defending their policyholders in damages litigation and defends claims arising from tax advisor, auditor and attorney liability. In the recent past, Mr. Schmitt has also gained extensive experience in the successful defense of claims in so-called mass proceedings in the area of capital and financial investments.

In addition, property insurance law and insurance distribution law are further areas of Mr. Schmitt's practice.

Furthermore, Mr. Schmitt regularly handles cases related to business closure insurance.


  • German Bar Association
  • International Bar Association (IBA)

Andreas Schmitt's Distinctions

Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Legal 500 Germany 2024



Zur Einstandspflicht einer Versicherung bei coronabedingter Betriebsschließung
Der Betrieb 2022, p. 518



Fragen der Absicherung von Corona-Risiken durch die Betriebsschließungsversicherung
PG-Vortrag, March 12, 2021, Cologne


Aktuelle Themen der privaten Haftpflichtversicherung
Inhouse-Seminar, May 27, 2019, Cologne
Grundlagen der Personengarantieversicherung
Inhouse-Seminar, May 13, 2019, Frankfurt am Main
Keine Deckung für bestrittene Forderungen – Auswirkungen der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung für die Praxis
Inhouse-Seminar, March 03, 2019


Die Benzinklausel im Lichte der Rechtsprechung
Inhouse-Seminar, November 09, 2018, Hannover


Prozessuale Besonderheiten des Absonderungsrechts nach § 110 VVG
Mandantenseminar, August 31, 2017, Cologne

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