
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek is supporter of the German sustainability prize

March 1 will mark the beginning of the application phase of the German sustainability prize for 2015. Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek supports Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. with the law firm's legal expertise and thus makes a contribution to reaching the sustainability foundation's goals and to advancing the German sustainability prize. It is the purpose of the foundation to promote sustainable development, among other things by annually awarding the German sustainability prize.

The German sustainability prize rewards companies of all sizes that combine financial success with social responsibility in an environmentally friendly manner. The prize-awarding foundation aims to encourage companies in their sustainable activities and to help raising the public's awareness of the principles of sustainable development. The award particularly honors the participants' inspiration and motivation and intends to communicate exemplary services to the widest extent possible.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek has been an official supporter of the German sustainability prize foundation since 2013 and provides the law firm's legal expertise where requested. In addition, partner Peter Vocke, who joined Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in 2013, has had a close relationship to the institution since the foundation's inception. A team led by Düsseldorf-based partner Vocke had already advised the current executive board members on establishing the foundation.

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