
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advises AL-KO SE on contract with Dexter Axle to form DexKo Global

The AL-KO Vehicle Technology business unit of AL-KO KOBER SE, headquartered in Kötz near Augsburg, and axle manufacturer Dexter Axle, based in Elkhart, Indiana (USA), will merge to operate as "DexKo Global Inc.” in the future. The transaction is expected to close on January 1, 2016.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised AL-KO SE comprehensively in several fields of law. Prior to the transaction, the legal structure of AL-KO Fahrzeugtechnik, which operates at 40 locations in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Australia, was adapted as part of global restructuring measures. AL-KO Kober SE contributes its vehicle technology business unit to DexKo Global Inc., and in return receives shares in the newly established company.

After the merger, the company will be a leading global axis manufacturer in its segment with annual sales of some EUR 850 million. AL-KO Fahrzeugtechnik will operate the European and global business, with the exception of the North American business, from its headquarters in Kötz. The North American business will still be controlled by Dexter Axle from Elkhart.

Counsel to AL-KO SE
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:

Dr. Ulrich Jork (M&A, Munich, Overall Lead),
Boris Dürr (Private Equity/M&A, Munich),
Marcel Greubel,
Dr. Helge-Thorsten Wöhlert,
Dr. Frank Metz,
Daniela Rinke,
Ricarda Marschall (all M&A, all Munich),
Dr. Peter Vocke,
Christoph Nöhles, LL.M. (Real Estate, both Düsseldorf),
Dr. Reinhard Siegert,
Anita Bohn (Antitrust, both Munich),
Astrid Wellhöner,
Dr. Judith Neu (Employment, both Munich),
Fabian Gerstner (Environmental, Munich),
Astrid Luedtke (IP, Düsseldorf)

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