Trainee lawyer lunch

The HEUKING trainee lawyer lunch is your opportunity to train and network – not only for our own trainee lawyers.



In the context of lectures and discussion rounds, we will sharpen your focus on interesting legal issues. We offer you the opportunity to exchange ideas with our lawyers in an informal atmosphere over lunch.

Dates 2024

New dates for 2024 will follow shortly...

Termine 2023

Thursday, 23.02.2023 - „Das LNG-Beschleunigungsgesetz in der vergaberechtlichen Praxis"

Wednesday, 26.04.2023 - „Die Umsetzung der Umwandlungsrichtlinie in nationales Recht"

Wednesday, 09.08.2023 - „Grundzüge des Investitionsschiedsverfahrens: Problemfall Krim" und „ESG & CSR - Ein Überblick über die aktuelle Rechtslage“

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