
Rheinisch-Bergische Verlagsgesellschaft increases presence in Regional TV

Düsseldorf-based Rheinisch-Bergische Verlagsgesellschaft (RBVG), the client roster of which includes Rheinische Post, increases its presence on the local and regional TV markets. After RBVG having taken an interest in Düsseldorf local channel "Center TV" some time ago, it is now also partner in the newly formed joint venture "CITY VISION" which has been granted a license by the Media Authority for North Rhine-Westphalia on June 20, 2008 and has been allocated a prime channel spot in Mönchengladbach and in other cable networks of the Lower Rhine area. Another application is in progress for the Greater Aachen area. In terms of media law, RBVG was advised and represented by attorneys Astrid Luedtke and Michael Schmittmann from the law offices of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek.

Shortly prior to what is known as the "digital switch", whereby the analog transmission is replaced by digital transmission, the current cable spot allocation provides newspaper publishers with the opportunity to also find their place in the electronic media competition. At Media Forum North Rhine-Westphalina in Cologne in June 2008, Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers had expressly welcomed the fact that publishers will now become active in TV.

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