+49 89 540 31-265 +49 89 540 31-565 b.neheider@heuking.de
German, English, French, Italian
Practice groups/Expertise
Consulting focuses
- Public Construction Law
- Real Estate Transactions
- Immission Protection Law
- Municipal Law
- Monument Conservation Law
- Administrative Law
- Public Funds and Subsidies
- Admitted to the Bar since 2017
- Education and former activities
- Legal Traineeship, Munich (Germany) and Sydney (NSW, Australia)
- Training as Mediator (business mediation)
- Legal Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany) and Verona University (Italy)
Qualifications/current topics
- Lecturer at the Technical University of Munich
- Lecturer at the ADI (Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft)
- Lecturer at the ADI AkadIng (Akademie der Ingenieure)
- ecturer in the context of the legal trainee training of the Higher Regional Court Munich/the RAK Munich
- Beratervereinigung Bauzentrum München
- International Bar Association (IBA)
Latest news
Neuregelungen durch das Baulandmobilisierungsgesetz
Update Real Estate & Construction 4/2021,
together with Sandra Janberg Schädlinge am Bau – Zivilrechtliche und öffentlich-rechtliche Aspekte
GuG – Grundstücksmarkt und Grundstückswert, January 2021
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