Salaried Partner

Michael Kuska, LL.M., LL.M.


+49 211 600 55-166 +49 211 600 55-160

German, English
Consulting focuses
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Data Protection Law
  • IT Security
  • Cyber Security
  • IT-Outsourcing Tech-driven transactions
  • E-Commerce
  • Internet Law
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  • Admitted to the bar since 2015
  • Education and former acitivies
  • LL.M. (Double-Degree) in Legal Informatics, University of Hannover and University of Oslo, Norway2014-2015
  • Legal Trainee (Referendariat), Higher Regional Court of Duesseldorf 2012-2014
  • Student of Law at the University of Duesseldorf 2006-2011

Qualifications/current topics

  • Certified ICO ISMS Security Officer according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022
  • Certified ICO ISMS Auditor according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Michael Kuska has several years of experience as a lawyer in the field on IT, Digitalization, Data Protection, E-Commerce and Security. He advises German and international corporate clients across diverse technology-driven industries (IT, Automotive, Banking and Fintech, Health Care, Public Transportation) on all kinds of technology- and privacy related matters. Another focus is the advising on IT- and cybersecurity law.

In 2018 Michael was seconded for six months to a DAX30 corporation and advised on various international projects with respect to digital transformation, information technology and privacy in the automotive industry. Michael has been recognized by Legal500 as Next Generation Partner in the field of data protection law.

Michael publishes frequently on data protection and IT security law and is a certified ICO ISMS 27001:2022 Security Officer.



  • Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. (TeleTrusT) - Member of the "IT Security Law" working group
  • International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)

Michael Kuska's Distinctions

Leaders League 2024

Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Legal 500 Germany 2024

Leaders League 2023

Legal 500 Deutschland 2023

Legal 500 EMEA 2022

Legal 500 Germany 2022



NIS2 Directive: Update on the German Implementation Act
Update Data Protection No. 183, July 30, 2024,
together with Dr. Hans Markus Wulf, Manuel Poncza


Wie in Zukunft Patientendaten genutzt werden sollen
kma (Klinik Management aktuell), July 3, 2023,
together with Catarina Angelika Seemann, LL.M.
EuGH: Kein Schadenersatz ohne Schaden!
Update Data Protection No. 141,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
Der European Health Data Space – Einführung und Übersicht zum geplanten digitalen Datenraum in der EU im Gesundheitsbereich
Update Data Protection No. 130 & Update Health Care 1/2023,
together with Catarina Angelika Seemann, LL.M.
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Digital Markets Act – Wesentliche Inhalte und Bedeutung
Update Datenschutz No. 119,
together with Dr. Philip Kempermann, LL.M.
Belgische Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörde entscheidet: TCF 2.0 – Weite Teile des programmatischen Online-Marketings – rechtswidrig!
Update Data Protection No. 109,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler


Cybersecurity u. internationaler Datentransfer – Aktuelle Herausforderungen u. Trends im digitalen Gesundheitssektor
Plattform Life Sciences, edition 2/21 „Smarte Medizin“
Federal Court of Justice on the Scope of the Right to Access pursuant to Article 15(1) GDPR
Update Data Protection No. 103




Rechtliche Hürden beim Umgang mit Cyber-Angriffen
Breidenbach & Frost Symposium Cyber Security in Public Transport, December 1, 2023, Cologne, together with Manuel Poncza
Rechtliche Hürden beim Umgang mit Cyber-Angriffen
Breidenbach & Frost Fachtagung Cyber Security im ÖV, June 30, 2023, Cologne, together with Manuel Poncza
Data Breach Management – An Overview from a Global Perspective
Lexology Webinar, 23. Juni 2023, June 23, 2023, together with Nick Holland (Shoosmiths) and Jena Valdetero (Greenberg Traurig)
Von Cloud bis Homeoffice – Rechtliche Aspekte einer sicheren IT
Deutsches Studierendenwerk e. V., June 20, 2023
NIS-2 Richtlinie
Cyber Insurance Conference, June 1, 2023, Borussia Park Mönchengladbach, together with Manuel Poncza


Aktuelle Risikoeinschätzung der Verwendung von US Tracking Tools und „optimierten“ Consent Layern
Heuking Webinar, together with Dr. Lutz Keppeler
Datenweitergabe an externe Dienstleister
IHK Hanau, July 14, 2022

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