Explanatory video online: Employment lawyers explain the correct use of external personnel
While the use of external personnel offers numerous opportunities for companies, it is also associated with risks. To help companies avoid errors, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek’s employment experts explain the key particulars in an entertaining animated video clip.
The video of the Employment Law Practice Group shows examples of the manifold ways in which external personnel can be used and answers the most important questions in practice: In which cases is it possible to work together on a service contract or work contract basis and when is it only possible to use temporary workers? What do I need to consider before working with outside personnel? What instructions can I give? How can I avoid sanctions?
The Employment Law Practice Group consists of a team of lawyers specializing in employment law and of Certified Specialists in employment law. The team comprising of some 40 members advises and represents national and international companies in all areas of employment law.