
Sysmex expands business and product portfolio: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advises the listed corporation on two transactions

A team headed by Dr. Lothar Ende, partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's Hamburg office, advised publicly listed Japanese Sysmex Corp. on the acquisition of all shares of cancer diagnostics service company Inostics GmbH and on the acquisition of Partec GmbH, a solution provider in cell analysis and flow cytometry.
Sysmex Corp. is a leading global manufacturer of analytical equipment, software and automation products for medical laboratories. With the acquisition of Inostics GmbH, Sysmex is expanding its business and product portfolio in the field of cancer diagnostics. By acquiring Partec group, Sysmex is additionally expanding its presence in the area of cell analysis and flow cytometry. At the same time, worldwide networking will be expanded by strengthening Sysmex Corp.'s sales and support network.
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek has been comprehensively advising Sysmex Corp., which is represented in Europe via numerous group and national companies, already for a very long time, apart from corporate and M&A activities also in numerous other fields of law, such as in distribution law or in the areas of IP/IT.
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's team comprised Dr. Lothar Ende (Lead, Corporate/M&A), Dr. Kai Erhardt (Corporate/M&A), Dr. Søren Pietzcker (IP/IT), Fabian Gaffron (Tax), Dr. Johan-Michel Menke (Employment), Dr. Sebastian Jungemeyer (Commercial) and Nicolas Struckmeyer (Corporate), all Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek Hamburg.

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