+49 711 220 45 79-14 +49 711 220 45 79-44 w.sandner@heuking.de
German, English
Practice groups/Expertise
Consulting focuses
- Planning and Public Building Law
- Environmental Law
- Immission Protection Law
- Soil Protection and Brownfield Sites
- Real Estate Law
- Development Law
- Land Law
- Real Estate Transactions
- Public Construction Law
- Public Sector Law
- Municipal Law
- Public Law
- Constitutional Law
- Admitted since 1997
- Medal of honor of Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces)1989
- Born in Friedberg / Bavaria, Germany1969
- Education and former activities
- GSK Stockmann + Kollegen 2002-2014
- Gleiss Lutz 1997-2002
- Formerly an academic member of staff at the Institut für Umweltrecht (Institute for Environmental Law), University of Augusburg 1994-1996
- University of Augsburg 1989-1994
Qualifications/current topics
- Lecturer at the University of Heidelberg (2016-2019) and at the ADI Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft Stuttgart (since 2015)
- Member of Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht e.V.
- Member of IWS (Immobilienwirtschaft Stuttgart e.V.)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
Dr. Wolfram Sandner's Distinctions

Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Legal 500 Germany 2024

Legal 500 Germany 2023

Legal 500 EMEA 2022

Legal 500 Germany 2022

JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2021/2022

JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2020/2021

Legal 500 EMEA 2020

Legal 500 Deutschland 2020

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2019/2020

JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2018/2019

JUVE Award 2016

Legal 500 EMEA 2016

Legal 500 Germany 2016
Latest news
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Newsletter Spezial, February 28, 2018
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