
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advises Swiss family office on entry into development of a new city complex in Hamburg-Bergedorf

A new city complex with a gross surface area of about 39,000 square meters will be constructed on the former post office area in the prime downtown location of Hamburg-Bergedorf. Four construction fields are to contain about 100 apartments and the new administrative headquarters of the non-profit building cooperative Bergedorf-Bille, a senior citizens' residence, a medical center, and a business center. The project volume is expected to be around EUR 85 million.

For a family office based in Baar/Switzerland, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek drafted and negotiated all contracts for participating in the project company Bergedorfer Tor and its financial assets. This included legal due diligence, coordinating and controlling technical due diligence, as well as fiscal advice involving KPMG Zurich, and the drafting of the participation agreements, loan agreements, articles of association, project management contract, and much more.

The project development initiated by Hanseatische Real Estate Finanz Holding AG is expected to be implemented as of mid-2015, following a two-year preparation and planning phase.

Additional information on the project is available at: http://www.hrefh-ag.de/bergedorfer-tor.aspx
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, Munich:
Dr. Armin Frhr. von Grießenbeck (Lead/Real Estate)
Steffen Wilberg (Real Estate)
Dr. Frank Metz (Corporate)
Dr. Stefan Degen (Tax)

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