
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek represents Hamburger Sport-Verein (HSV) in employment law dispute with Mirko Slomka and former team of coaches

Led by Dr. Andreas Walle and Dr. Johan-Michel Menke, LL.M., Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek will represent HSV Fußball AG (HSV) in the upcoming legal disputes with the Bundesliga team's former coaching team before the labor court. Mirko Slomka, Nestor El Maestro (assistant coach), and Nikola Vidovic (fitness coach) filed complaints against their dismissals in September 2014.

The disputes will end in landmark decisions in sports labor law: They concern the question, under which conditions and/or with which stipulations employment contracts with coaches in professional soccer can be entered into for a fixed term or with a condition subsequent and how they can be terminated.

On November 20, 2014, initially the conciliation hearings before the DFB Head Office in Frankfurt am Main will be held in the matter of HSV vs. Slomka and El Maestro (conciliation proceedings in accordance with Section 27 DFB Training Regulations), while on November 21, 2014, the conciliation hearing in the matter of HSV vs. Vidovic is scheduled before Hamburg Labor Court.

HSV has repeatedly retained Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek for its expert knowledge. The coaches will each be represented by lawyer Horst Kletke (Frankfurt am Main).

Counsel to HSV Fußball AG
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Dr. Andreas Walle,
Dr. Johan-Michel Menke, LL.M., both Employment Law and Sports Law, both Hamburg

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