
Start-up Week 2021: Heuking offers founders tips for a legally compliant start-up

Düsseldorf Start-up Week was held for the sixth time from June 4 to 11, 2021. With a view to digital transformation, the attendees took advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas with the legal experts of law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in virtual workshops.
The tried and tested concept of the annual “Recht Klar und Sicher” series of events inspired numerous young entrepreneurs yet again this year.
True to the idea, “Well connected on the net,” Dr. Kirsten Thiergart, Astrid Luedtke, Jörn Matuszewski, and Dr. Alexander Bork offered valuable information in chats and discussions with founders on topics of corporate law, tax law, e-commerce, protection of ideas, and employment law.
“We are very pleased to actively support founders on their paths even in this special year,” said Dr. Kirsten Thiergart, who again supported Startup Week this year with her expertise in commercial and corporate law. 
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek is a partner of STARTPLATZ Düsseldorf and supports young entrepreneurs in avoiding classic mistakes in the early stages of founding a company so as to enable them to get off to a legally compliant start. 
Even beyond Start-up Week, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek regularly offers young entrepreneurs free advice at the STARTPLATZ offices in Düsseldorf Harbor every first and third Wednesday of a month. Dr. Thiergart is the contact person and head of the project.
We trust to be able to welcome you back in person next year.

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