+49 211 600 55-277 +49 211 600 55-520 g.kostrzewa@heuking.de
Deutsch, Englisch
- Private Clients
- Steuerrecht
- Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer
- Unternehmensnachfolge
- Steuerstrafrecht
- Co-Leiter der Praxisgruppe Private Clients
- Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht
- Zugelassen als Rechtsanwalt seit 1996
- Ausbildung und frühere Tätigkeiten
- Ernst & Young AG, Düsseldorf1995-1999
- Universität Konstanz, Deutschland Referendar 1993; Assessor 1995
- Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer 1994
- Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), TEP
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Deutsch-Israelische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (DIJV)
Auszeichnungen von Gerd Kostrzewa

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2018/2019

Who's Who Legal 2018

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2017/2018

Who's Who Legal 2017

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2016/2017

Leaders List 2016

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2015/2016

Citywealth Leaders List 2015

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2014/2015

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2013/2014

JUVE Kanzlei des Jahres 2015 für Steuerrecht

Citywealth Leaders List 2013
Aktuelle Meldungen
The German tax and inheritance law treatment of trusts
in: The ABA Guide of International Estate Planning 2014
Citizens of the World, Navigating the Labyrinth of Special Tax Regimes
24th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, April 2024, München
Transfer of a Business at the Time of Death
STEP Benelux, März 2024, Amsterdam
Best Practice for Israeli Investments into the EU
STEP Israel, Juni 2023
Lessons from the pandemic: Towards new principles for tax residence of individuals and corporations?
STEP Luxembourg, November 2022
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: DAC 6
STEP Israel, September 2022
Dealing with a sudden international crisis
27th Annual International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, Juni 2022
Virtual 21st Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference
ABA, Webinar, März 2021
Living a Double Life in Germany and the U.S. – The Inbond Session
German American Business Association Southern California, Webinar, 17. Februar 2021
Living a Double Life in Germany and the U.S. – The Outbond Session
German American Business Association Southern California, Webinar, February 3, 2021
Pandemic realities: Implications for tax-residence of individuals, trusts and corporations
STEP, USA, Webinar, Dezember 2020
How Germany, the UK and the US Target and Audit High Net Worth Individuals
STEP USA, Webinar, Dezember 2020
Cross-Border US/Europe Tax Planning
US/UK Tax Planning: Digital Week, Webinar, October 2020
The Use of Foundations and Trusts in Private Wealth Succession Planning Can Civil and Common Law Vehicles Co-Exist?
STEP USA, Webinar, September 2020
What private wealth professionals should know about international tax transparency
ABA/IBA/IFA Webinar, June 2020
The endless development of disclosure: a review of DAC 6 and similar systems around the world
25th International Private Client Conference, London, März 2020
The digital estate – not only relevant for millenials
STEP Europe Conference, Wien, Februar 2020
Inheriting problematic structures: common tax issues for Heirs/Beneficiaries and pre-death restructuring possibilities
19th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, Paris, April 2019
STEP Webinar
Cross-Border German/US Tax Planning STEP Webinar, March 2019
Exit tax – I am leaving the country and only for this reason should I pay capital gain taxes. What are you talking about?
23rd Annual International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, März 2018
Tax Regularisation in 2018
Swiss & Liechtenstein STEP Federation Alpine Conference, Interlaken, Februar 2018
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