
Appraisal proceeding concerning squeeze-out and domination agreement for Heinrich Industrie AG successfully settled

Littlefuse Holding GmbH (LFH) has reached a settlement with the total of 39 petitioners in the two appraisal proceedings before the Dortmund Regional Court - concerning the squeeze-out and the domination agreement concerning Heinrich Industrie GmbH, Essen, formerly Heinrich Industrie AG, Witten (HIAG). Because of the varying entry dates of the two restructuring measures in the commercial register of HIAG, the appraisal proceedings were heard separately, although the petitioners were to some extent identical in both cases.

The petitioners, which included well-known shareholders and the German Association for the Protection of Minority Shareholders (Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger e.V.), agreed on 08 February 2007 in the court-ordered settlement with LFH that the cash compensation offered by LFH in the domination agreement and the squeeze-out will be increased by EUR 7.81; from EUR 24.69 to EUR 32.50 per HIAG share.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, namely Ulrike Gantenberg and Dr. Andreas Urban, had already advised HIAG in 2004 in connection with the public takeover by LFH, member of the American Littlefuse Group, and afterwards in the preparation and implementation of the general shareholders’ meeting in May 2005, in which the squeeze-out and the domination agreement were resoluted. HIAG’s majority shareholder, LFH, opted for continuity of advisors and appointed Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek. Thus, within less than three years after the takeover, all proceedings directly occasioned by it have been completed.

LFH is an affiliated company of Littelfuse Inc. with registered office in Des Plaines, Illinois, USA. Littelfuse Inc. is one of the global leaders in the manufacture of protective elements for electronic and electric circuits. In the US, its shares are traded on the NASDAQ.

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