Reputation Protection

”Once your worldly reputation is in tatters, the opinion of others hardly matters!” While this may be true in some areas, this is certainly not the case for successful companies. Online reputation protection is therefore indispensable. We assist you!

Reputation protection in the digital age

”Once your worldly reputation is in tatters, the opinion of others hardly matters!” While this may be true in some areas, this is certainly not the case for successful companies. Active online reputation protection is therefore indispensable. We assist you in protecting yourself!

It represents a serious risk to the enterprise value when a company’s good reputation is attacked online. The internet is used on a daily basis to obtain information about companies. Negative evaluations – especially in social networks – can therefore reach a large audience, very quickly deterring potential customers, employees, investors, and shareholders. Reasons for online attacks on a company’s reputation and good name may be manifold: dissatisfied employees or aggressive competitors wanting to gain an advantage are just two of the possible causes.

Avoid damage to reputation online through rapid action

Regardless of whether the reputation-damaging activity on the internet is directed against a company, an entrepreneur, or an employee, or simply against a brand or a product, immediate reaction is necessary to have the reputation-damaging statements or the fake news taken down at very short notice – possibly including by legal action.

Reputation protection by experienced lawyers

Our experienced lawyers in reputation protection are at your disposal to protect your good reputation and to defend against digital attacks. No matter whether it is a 1-star Google rating, an unlawful statement on social networks or on rating platforms such as Jameda or Kununu, or a targeted action against the company camouflaged under the anonymity of the web – our competence team bundles detailed legal and technical expertise that allows us to prevent reputational damage of any kind, either directly at the originator or indirectly on the platform or social network provider. While it is frequently not possible to identify perpetrators, alternative measures must be taken quickly to avoid the distribution of unlawful posts via the respective platforms or search engines.

Rapid action in crisis situations

The German legislator has now also dealt with this topic, issuing the Network Enforcement Act at the end of 2017, which allows for quick reaction against hate speech on social networks. By skillfully using this new instrument relating to social media, the law firm of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek is able to achieve rapid success when it comes to online deletion.

Speed is imperative, since there are narrow time limits to obtain temporary injunctions. Please feel free to contact us at reputationsmanagement(at) 

Our experts have been representing and advising companies and entrepreneurs in all issues relating to reputation protection for years. We regularly collaborate with PR agencies to find joint solutions to the problem of statements that are damaging reputations.

Publications (excerpt)

  • Übler Nachrede robust begegnen [Countering slander robustly] - Cash.Recht & Steuern, Cash 9/2018, by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Rechtsschutz gegen Bewertungsportale im Internet II [Legal protection against rating portals on the Internet II], Update IP, Media & Technology No. 6, May 24, 2018 by Dr. Ubbo Aßmus,
  • Der äußerungsrechtliche Geldentschädigungsanspruch im digitalen Zeitalter [The right to monetary compensation under the right of free speech in the digital age] - NJW (2017, 2369 et seqq.), by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann and Peter Fries
  • Das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz [The Network Enforcement Act] - MR-Int 3-4/17, 87 et seqq., by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Rechtsschutz bei Bewertungsportalen im Internet [Legal protection relating to evaluation portals on the internet], Update IP, Media & Technology No. 2, July 17, 2017 by Dr. Ubbo Aßmus and Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Wie sich Unternehmen gegen Cyber-Mobbing wehren [How companies defend against cyberbullying] - CRN Computer Reseller News, June 12, 2017, by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Rechtliche Implikationen Ärztebewertungsportale im Internet - Fachbuch für gynäkologische Endokrinologie [Legal implications of physician evaluation portals on the internet - Reference book for gynecological endocrinology], by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann and Dr. Ubbo Aßmus
  • Wie sich Unternehmen gegen Cyber-Mobbing wehren [How companies defend against cyberbullying] - Management & Law, by Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek setzt Geldentschädigung wegen Verletzung des allgemeinen Persönlichkeitsrechts im Internet durch [Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek enforces monetary compensation for violation of general personal rights on the internet], Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann Christine Grau, Dr. Ubbo Aßmus

Lectures (selection)

  • Interview ZDF heute, Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann as legal expert on cyberbullying, December 1, 2020
  • ZDF show “Volle Kanne” - Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann as legal expert on cyberbullying / reputation protection, September 24, 2018
  • Speaker at the discussion forum “Hass im Netz” [“Hate on the net”] – Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Dresden, November 14, 2016, Speaker Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
  • Protective measures for victims of cyberbullying using an example from the business sector, Service briefing of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office of Criminal Investigations “Prevention of cybercrime,” Düsseldorf, September 14, 2016 by Markus Lennartz and Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann    
  • Protective measures for victims – legal framework and significance of cyberbullying using an example from the business sector, 2nd Cyberbullying Congress, January 18, 2016, Berlin by Dr. Stephan Witteler and Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann

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