
Insuralex strengthens network with Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's insurance lawyers

The law firm of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and its experts in insurance law/reinsurance law are admitted as members of the international Insuralex network on May 15, 2018. All Insuralex members are considered leaders in insurance and reinsurance law in their respective countries. Membership in Insuralex enables Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's insurance lawyers to closely work with law firms in other nations and to further improve the service provided to their clients.
Insuralex is a global network of independent lawyers specializing in insurance and reinsurance law. More than 50 independent law firms from Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East are members of the network. Law firms are working together across borders and across different practice areas, assisting insurers and insured from almost all industries in the event of a claim, but also in setting up tailored international insurance programs. Insuralex has been named a Leading Law Firm Network by Chambers Global.
“Many of our clients are operating both nationally and internationally. Risks and claims are therefore frequently of an international nature. We are thus particularly pleased to have been accepted as the only German law firm as member of this globally renowned association because, together with our peers from Insuralex, many of whom we know personally, we are able to offer our clients tailor-made solutions from a single source, even in difficult cases with an international connection,“ said Dr. Michael Lauterbach, Partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and contact person of the Insurance Law Practice Group.

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